Filozofowie zapraszają na odczyt Raja Natarajana

Zarząd Oddziału Częstochowskiego Polskiego Towarzystwa Filozoficznego zaprasza na odczyt pod tytułem "Oppositions in Pure versus Applied Logics", który wygłosi Raja Natarajan (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India). Tłumaczony na j. polski wykład odbędzie się 19 marca (wtorek) o godzinie 17.00 w sali nr 26 (DE-26) przy al. Armii Krajowej 36a. 

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An interesting perspective on the traditional opposition between pure and applied sciences is provided by Pasteur's Quadrant. Pasteur's quadrant states the thesis that scientific research tries to both push back the frontiers of knowledge, while at the same time also tries to use the new understanding gained for improving human life. Pasteur's quadrant may be viewed as an attempt to deconstruct the traditional opposition between pure science versus applied science. We use the framework of the quadrant to examine the oppostion between pure and applied logic, using the insights gained in work on automated proof-checking.